Qiang Fu is a Research Scientist at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in the Computational Imaging Group, working with Prof. Wolfgang Heidrich.
Qiang Fu’s research interests lie in the multidisciplinary research areas of computational imaging and display that develops emerging and fast-growing visual computing technologies by integrating state-of-the-art techniques in computer vision, computer graphics, optics, deep learning, inverse problem, and nano-fabrication. Such developing technologies could harness applications in various areas, including photography, machine vision, virtual/mixed reality, underwater imaging, medical imaging, microscopy, endoscopy, spectral imaging, and so on.
Feel free to contact me by email: qiang.fu@kaust.edu.sa or fuqiangx@outlook.com
PhD in Optical Engineering, 2012
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, 2007
University of Science and Technology of China