Pupil-plane LLOWFS simulation and laboratory results from NEW-EARTH’s high-contrast imaging testbed


Direct imaging of exoplanets can be used to characterize exoplanets by spectroscopy of their atmospheres. Coronagraphs are required to suppress the diffraction effects by blocking the starlight, however, residual wavefront error scatters starlight in the science images, losing faint exoplanet photons in stellar noise. The performance of a coronagraphic system is thus contingent upon how efficiently the wavefront aberrations are minimized. Lyot-stop low-order wavefront sensor (LLOWFS) is a well-established sensor that senses the light rejected by the focal plane mask and corrects low-order aberrations upstream of the coronagraph. Previous versions of the LLOWFS sensed the residual starlight at the defocused focal plane. However, on the NRCs NEW-EARTH high-contrast imaging testbed, pupil-plane images of LLOWFS have been used to address both Zernike and Fourier modes. The goal of the testbed is to develop SPIDERS/Subaru which is the technology demonstrator of the CAL2 unit of the upcoming Gemini Planet Imager 2.0 (GPI 2.0). Both SPIDERS and CAL2 will address the low-order modes for stabilizing speckles, and demonstrate an active suppression of speckles using the Fast Atmospheric Self-Coherent Camera Technique (FAST) by creating a region of up to 10-7 contrast at small angles. Thus, obtaining sub-nanometric pointing stability using the LLOWFS is crucial for achieving stable contrast results on the bench and on-sky. Here, we present LLOWFS closed-loop laboratory results under simulated post-Adaptive Optics residuals of GPI 2.0 and simulations of the LLOWFS and FAST sensors for SPIDERS.

SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Adaptive Optics Systems VIII


  title={Pupil-plane {LLOWFS} simulation and laboratory results from {NEW-EARTH}’s high-contrast imaging testbed},
  author={Singh, Garima and Thompson, William and Lardi{\`e}re, Olivier and Marois, Christian and N'Diaye, Mamadou and Johnson, Adam B and V{\'e}ran, Jean-Pierre and Herriot, Glen and Gerard, Benjamin and Fu, Qiang and others},
  booktitle={Adaptive Optics Systems VIII},

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